Mama Cali and Lucy

ID #643

Cali (Mama) is a 10-11 month old cat who gave birth to 1 kitten (Lucy) about 1 month ago. This kitty cat is amazing! She brought a kitten in this world and has been taking the best care of her. She grooms her and ensures she is safe at all times. When her kitten is being taken by a human, she looks diligently until she feels comfortable with the situation. Cali loves to be petted, but also still likes to be a kitten herself. She does not bite or scratch and has a gentle touch.  he will sleep right by you and feel like she's a part of the family pretty quickly. 

She had been relinquished to the animal hospital a few months ago andupon presentation, she had an upper respiratory infection and has since recovered completely. One special attribute you need to know about her is that she makes the cutest noises when she communicates with her humans and kitten. It would be ideal to have both her and her kitten adopted together.  

As you can see in these pictures, she is easy going and loves children too. Her kitten is just the same. 

All Catmosphere Laguna kitties are fully vetted.